You were never meant to be mine

It seemed like two years passed in a dream and somehow, your words to me swelled a hundredfold and now I can sleep to the sound of your voice. My life shatters and all I can think is I wish I could call you. I wish I could call, and hear you say hello. I think if I heard your voice, the dam holding the tears back in the corner of my heart would break, because you are the key and my home is you.

I wish I could call, but I can’t. I wish I could text you, but I can’t. I feel you drawing away from me, and I want to believe it’s my own insecurity making your business seem like apathy, but I can’t. Did I go too far? Did I wander over the line too much? Did baring my heart cast you away from me? I love you too much to ask, for fear of making you say “Yes”. I am not brave enough to hear the answer.

Better to stay in this Schrodinger’s relationship for a while longer, until my heart withers away in its quiet brokenness and it no longer exults in your presence. It may be a while, but please don’t leave me alone, I ask of you selfishly. Better to bask in your rare attention than to hurt endlessly in the dark.

I can feel my pulse stuttering like an offbeat staccato every time I think about the possibility that the next time I hear your voice will be never, or that I’ll be able to tell in your voice that you’re unhappy and I am the cause. Even so- even then, I’m not sure I’ll be able to let you go. If I never ask, will you grant my wish and never tell me? Let us both stand on this teetering precipice until I lose my balance and fall, but please, don’t step to safety just yet. Let me pretend in the moment before I close my eyes that I see you fall with me, like we so often said we would do. In the end, I can only be selfish. There is not enough left of my heart to give.

The heart that beats

I have not smiled since my heart broke, the heart that beats for the parents that birthed us. I heard in your silence bells tolling and in my grief for what I thought I lost of you, I wept. 

Then, I heard your voice again. I felt my heart beat, the heart that beats for the one you live for. I tried to hide my broken heart but in my gladness at your presence, my most poignant sadness resurfaced again as if it had hidden itself until you arrived. We talked of nothing- you into the void, and me quietly baring my heart to you in little pieces. I missed you.

Slowly, I found myself smiling again. The heart that beats for you, beats again.

My father is a stranger

He felt the same as he had the past 10 years, give or take the avalanche that just tumbled off his shoulders. He thought it would go differently- that she would understand how he’d felt the whole time, how guilty he’d been. After all, wasn’t she the one who understood him the most? So why wouldn’t she look at him?

What is there to understand about a lie?

Overnight he became a stranger. My vacant gaze slides off him, the way it does when you pass people you would rather not talk to at night on the street.  An all-consuming quiet, terrible silence roars in my ears. 

Who are you? Who are you? WHO ARE YOU? 

He’d feared telling her and her sister. He worried that with their strong sense of morals, they would refuse to acknowledge him as their father. Even so, he’d never expected this. Somehow, this was worse. Clearly, she hated him. 


Maybe became is the wrong word. He had always been this person, after all. Nothing had really changed. But the person that I thought I had known vanished like dewdrops in the midday sun. The memories I’d so cherished flicker and turn dark one by one as I think to play them in my head. I wasn’t prepared for this. What does one do when their father turns out to be a complete stranger? I don’t hate this person. How can I, when I don’t even know him?

Did the father I loved ever exist?

He loved her, and he thought he’d done right by her, for the most part. He paid for everything, after all. Whenever she needed money, he wired it to her. He paid for her and her sister’s flights home. It was only right for their mother to pay part of it too, of course. Naturally, any of their daughters’ expenses should be split evenly between them.

Is it all about money to you?

He’d give Mom two-thirds of all his assets, he said. That was good enough, he thought. Heart breaking, I sat and wrote through tears, trembling fingers typing out paragraph after paragraph of sorrow. It’s the only thing you have left to give, I told him. Do you think this money can make up for Mom’s breast cancer? Do you think the past 10 years of her life is only worth this much? You could never make it up to her, but you can at least try.

Please, show me that you can do better.

He’d tried to explain himself when he got her email. It was a long one, two and a half pages. When she was younger and had asked him to read her writing, he had never fully paid attention. He knew his English was good, but he just hadn’t been interested. What he had read in that email, though- he hadn’t realized how different her writing was from how she spoke to him him Mandarin, or texted him in English. He tried his best to address each one of her points, fully, honestly. He got no response.

Tell me in a way I can understand.

I read the reply to my email with a sinking, drowning horror. Even after hearing everything from my mother, I hadn’t truly believed that he was a bad person. A coward, maybe. I was wrong.

How can you exist?

I didn’t think it would hurt you, he said. This wouldn’t have happened if your mom and I had lived a happy life, he said. I had tried to be nice, but it didn’t work out, he said. Not all men are perfect, most of them are not, he said. Every man has his own secret, he said. That’s my fatherly advice to you, he said. Other than having an affair, I am a kind person, he said. It is what it is, he said.

How can you possibly think this?

It was with a kind of disbelief that I sat and tried to process what he’d said. I had to reread it several times in the course of the next week. Even now, I can hardly stand to remember what he wrote, how the grief hit me all of a sudden when I realized I needed to mourn the death of a person who never existed.

I guess that’s it, then.

When he got her email, originally, he had asked her if she wanted to speak in person or over email. “Email first,” she’d said. So he’d written her and waited. And waited. Each day, he felt a little more uncertain, a little more pressure. On the second day he came back home with an agreement giving their mother what he had refused to give before. But over the next 6 days, she only met his eyes once- to tell him he should give her mother more in the divorce. Her eyes had flicked to him for a short second, stunning him silent. In the email, he had explained to her that he really didn’t have much money left. Seeing her now- he found it hard to stick to that thought. Her sister still spoke to him in what seemed like a normal way. But she… Day by day, he acquiesced a little more, until finally he found himself with hardly anything left.

It could never be enough.

He seemed to think that he was doing all he could to compensate Mom and us. He seemed fixed on this two-thirds number. He doesn’t seem to realize that keeping his lavish lifestyle on the table isn’t something that he deserves. If he gave her five-sixths, or seven-eighths of everything he would still live well enough. Somehow he had the gall to say- I’ve agreed to give you so much, what if I don’t have enough to eat in the future? My mother had said- do you think your daughters would let that happen? I think I could, if only for him to realize that a lifestyle change could be in order. I wouldn’t see him starve, but that’s not what we’re talking about.

You don’t deserve this much.

He had been their father for years and years now. The affair had only gone on for less than half that time, and even then, he had been here, hadn’t he? He only wanted them to understand that he still loved them, that that hadn’t changed. He hadn’t changed.

I don’t know if I ever want to see you again.

The day I left, he didn’t get up to see me off. I’d lain awake in bed the night before, wondering what I would say if he was there at the door when I left. I never figured it out. After the 15 hour flight, I got an email from him as I was waiting to disembark.. He said he hadn’t wanted to upset me before my long flight. He said he might not see me for a long time. He said please feel free to ask if I need anything from him. I put my phone in my pocket and I opened my eyes wide as I tried not to cry, walking briskly to immigration. In line, I wept tears that stung with sorrow and confusion. I could not understand what I was feeling. I don’t know if I am glad he didn’t see me off. I am scared, and I do not know why.

Dad, it’s too late

Mom has been cleaning out the study since before we left. These few days she’s found a hoard of things I made for her and dad. Birthday cards, mother’s and father’s days cards, drawings. She said that looking through them, she couldn’t help but weep. She said she gave the box of things I made for dad to him. She told him to look at it. I think looking at it made him feel pretty bad. Maybe looking at it now, compared to then, suddenly made him realize what he fucked up. I don’t think he ever really appreciated anything I made him growing up. Anything I wrote or drew for him he treated like a chore to look at. 

Anyways- I think the guilt is what made him pay for mom’s flight over here. She mentioned that she was worried about me, and I guess he is too after seeing all that. People say it’s never too late, but I think it is. He realized too late what it meant for us to love him. He realized too late that what he did destroyed what we had.

I love the dad I thought I had, but I guess it’s like loving God. It’s just a concept.

Drowning in the wake of my parents’ divorce

My stomach hurts.

Is it normal? Or is it because my parents are in the dining room spitting toxicities at each other in the form of exasperated snide comments?

I’m an unwilling witness.

How does he claim to love us but now he’s asking her to pay him back for all he’s given us?

Has that been hanging on his mind? How much he spent on us? I would have been happier believing he gave us all without regret, but truth is important. Better to know who my father is, better later than never.

I’m gladly heartbroken to know. The father I loved was but an illusion. He was a carefully crafted one-way mirror. How merciful, how merciless, it was for him to deceive us for so long. Is a long love that turns out to be fool’s gold better than having the real thing, only for that, too, to go away? Either way, it turns to dust in our hands. I watch it trickle into the brisk wind of life.

I feel sick. My heart feels like it will leap out of my throat. My gut sits like a rock, aching. My memories war with the lies I know now- the words I’ve heard him say. How- do I exist?

I’m not ready for the new horizon.

The pier was ripped out from under me and I’ve been swallowed by the frantic sea.

The current is cruel. I think it will drag me away whether I’m ready or not.

I fear I will forget what the pier looked like- what it felt like under my feet.

Solid. Reassuring.

Hello, world!

This first post is primarily to introduce the purpose of this blog and my reasons for creating it.

The context

A recent grad (2019), I am currently a software engineer at a small tech company in Manhattan.

A few months ago, I was convinced that it’d be easy to transition to “adult life” in the city. My future looked bright and full (of friends, partying, and great food). Once I got here, however, I realized that I had sorely overhyped my post-college experience.

As a dev, my job hours are usually from about 10:30 AM to 6 PM, but they’re flexible. Most of my friends are consultants, analysts, and traders at firms that require them to be in at 9 AM or even earlier. The result: the friends I could count on to make questionable decisions about late bedtimes and sacrificing sleep in college are now in bed by midnight, no exceptions.

The impetus

Honestly, it might be the birth control I started taking last month, but I’ve been in a slump lately. Classic lack of drive to do anything except for feed myself things that are bad for my body, justified by the mild sadness I’ve been feeling on a daily basis. The worst part is that the unhealthy food just compounds how trash I feel.

Every so often, I experience a spike in what I would describe as reciprocal rejection. It’s the feeling of not being wanted, compounded with the desire to head off that rejection preemptively. It results in a toxic couple of days where I basically stew in my own loneliness and snack on processed foods because I’m too sad to go out.

It got so bad that sometimes I sit on the couch in a state of what can probably be described as catatonia for hours. Not watching anything, no. Just sitting and doing nothing. I decided it was time to re-evaluate.

The problem(s)

The job hours aren’t a big problem, but less overlapping free time means that often, my friends already have plans when I ask them to hang out. This only became more apparent as people settled into New York City and their new jobs.

I have all this free time on my hands and I don’t know what to do with myself. There are only so many days that you can spend binge-watching TV shows. They stop being a treat and turn into a chore (can confirm). Besides, they make me feel so bad because watching them literally serves no purpose (unless you’re watching educational ones).

When my friends aren’t free and I’m craving social interaction, online dating is an option. But I’m not in the habit of leading people on, and cultivating a fake interest in order to fulfill my own selfish desires is unappealing. If only there were ways to meet people organically (this is sarcasm, by the way).

I started making sourdough, as I had been wanting to do for a year or so, but there are only so many people to whom I can feed the results. Plus, giving it all away was (and still is) actually eating up a significant part of my budget. Besides, a loaf of bread or batch of brownies disappears so quickly, with only pictures left behind, and merely posting those on my Instagram story just seems so futile.

tl;dr: I need purpose. My standalone interests are not nutritious or sustainable (see below).

My interests

There are a few interests that I’ve maintained on and off through the years.

Baking. I started off making cookies for my high school bake sales, then graduated to New York cheesecake for birthdays, my signature apple pie, and finally sourdough. Like many people, I used to follow the recipes to the letter. I was a stickler for rules of any caliber. However, as you may know, environment (humidity, temperature) matters a lot in baking. Now, I’m more of an “eh that should work” baker. Sourdough has taught me lots.

Cooking. I split baking off because I think cooking (on the stovetop, generally) is a completely different beast. There is more flexibility in cooking, for starters. Often, I open the spice cabinet when my food is in the pan and make my decisions then. I love to think about what I’m going to cook tomorrow, and it’s a daily personal tragedy for me to realize I can’t cook everything I want to (because I’m one person). This also means my cooking style is something along the lines of “adapt until it’s unrecognizable.” That is, I start off from a recipe and make a ton of changes to it. Occasionally, it’s because I don’t have one of the ingredients. Most of the time, I just want to. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

Eating. I love to try new foods, new cuisines, and new restaurants. This is in conflict with my interest in cooking, unfortunately. I dropped off the radar for the last month or so trying to save money by cooking all meals at home, but I don’t think it’s worth the stagnation I’ve been feeling. I’ll compromise by packing lunch daily, but I think I’ll start exploring the city again for dinner once or twice a week.

Traveling. To be completely honest, this is related to eating. While I love to see new sights, a huge part of traveling is the food. I consider it an integral part of experiencing new cultures and ways of life. However, I do also love beach getaways, horseback tours, scuba diving, and other activity-based vacations.

Writing. This is the kicker- the main reason why I think this blog is a good idea. I used to write fan fiction, but that petered off after I lost my obsession with K-pop. Besides, I primarily used fanfiction as a means to get my writing and ideas across. You might say that I wrote fanfiction because I wasn’t confident that my fiction would garner readers. That also just means I tricked the K-pop mega-fans into reading my work. Now that I’m working, I can justify maintaining a blog that’s my own space, where I can write anything that I want.

The solution

My hypothesis is that interests with no nutritional value can be made nutritious. In less abstract terms, reflection on an activity can make the activity more fulfilling.

Why this should work

I noticed that I felt animated when I talked to people about something I cooked or baked. It was nice to be able to talk about my processes and flavor profile decisions. Sometimes, I lie awake in bed for hours thinking about what to make next. Instead of keeping it all in my head (fail-safe strategy, to say the least), I can document what works, what doesn’t work, and what I’d make again.

Even eating can be made into a mentally nutritious activity. By writing about and reviewing restaurants or culinary experiences, I can provide information for others as well as keep records for myself. This has the added benefit of making me more mindful of what I am eating, which I have a problem with.

Traveling is the best example. I don’t have the best memory, and even trips from last year are hard to remember clearly now. It has always seemed like such a waste to just forget about places I’ve been and sights I’ve seen. I’ve tried on and off to keep travel diaries, but I’ve misplaced them all somewhere or another.

The best part is, now I have a lot to write about. Instead of wracking my brain and trying to dredge up some creativity, I can write about things that I’m already thinking a lot about.

Final thoughts

Theoretically, keeping a blog will solve all my problems. I’m not going to set high expectations in terms of output (both quality and quantity), since this blog is created as a way for me to encourage my own mental health and happiness. I want it to stay a fun activity and not a chore. Therefore, I’m going to think of it as essentially an e-diary, and I’m not going to require myself to post on a fixed schedule.

I understand that means I probably won’t have a large following, and that’s OK. Perhaps some of what I say will be useful or even entertaining to a few people. If not, at least I’ll have something to do.

The name

Cute name, right? It’s smol adventures because I am smol and these are my adventures.

Thanks for reading, folks.